The conference itself will feature a mix of plenary and parallel sessions. The ACA Annual Conference 2016 will take place on 21 and 22 November, and is to be preceded by a social programme and opening reception in the afternoon and evening of 20 November. Speakers will be higher education researchers and representatives, but also business representatives and civil society actors. In doing so, it will not only explore the relationship between higher education institutions and municipalities, but also of university-enterprise interaction and cooperation between academic institutions and civil society actors in their city, town or region. The ACA Annual Conference 2016 will address all of these different ‘habitats’ – big cities, small towns and remote and challenged regions. In these cases, it is the university or college which is to strengthen the town or region - and not the other way round. What about all these cosy little towns, of the type of Oxbridge, Freiburg or Lund, which are hosts to well-reputed and even world-class universities? And, not to forget, remote or underdeveloped regions with declining demographies or regions undergoing economic transformation, where higher education institutions are being founded as catalysts of regional rejuvenation and growth. Which ‘habitat’ do higher education institutions and the knowledge industries require, where do they thrive? In metropolises and megapolises, which attract talent because of the tolerant environment and the advanced technology they provide, as the American urban studies theorist Richard Florida argues? Probably, but is this the only ‘environment’ in which higher education institutions flourish. The theme of the conference is being hotly debated these days. As always, we are striving to offer high-quality information, analysis and discussion. The conference is expected to draw an audience of some 300 participants, including central actors and decision-makers from universities and colleges as well as policy-makers and practitioners from government departments, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, municipalities, enterprises and think tanks.

The event will explore the relationship between universities and colleges and the cities, towns and regions where they are located. Higher education institutions and their ‘habitat’. 2020-Noah bed design contest, 3ᵉ Mainz germany ( 3d param.This year’s ACA Annual Conference, to be held in the beautiful city of Budapest, bears the title UniverCities. 2021-Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Sciences, (DE)///2018-BA-Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels, BE Since 2018: Architecture and Design student (Erasmus)