With NOC colleague Guy Rothwell in 2000 he conceived the fundamental design of what became the prototype Itrax X-ray corescanner. He jointly obtained development funding, identified and commissioned the analytical partner (Cox Analytical) and contributed to the realisation of the first Itrax core scanner that emerged in 2003. During his career he has supervised 26 PhD students on a variety of geochemical topics. He has also co-developed an industry standard instrument for extracting tritium and C-14 from nuclear and related materials.

Ian Croudace is a geochemist with more than 40 years research experience, holds an academic position at the University of Southampton (Ocean and Earth Science) and is Director of GAU-Radioanalytical. He is a specialist in several branches of analytical geochemistry including X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, gamma ray spectrometry and radioanalytical chemistry and has published more than 135 papers in the international geochemical and chemical literature. This volume will help both experienced and new users of these non-destructive core scanners take full advantage of one of the most powerful geochemical screening tools in the environmental scientist's toolbox. Not only do they rapidly provide important proxy data without damaging samples, but they can obtain environmental data at decadal, annual, and even sub-annual scales. Their impact is based on their ability to rapidly, non-destructively, and automatically scan sediment cores. In a little over a decade, micro-XRF sediment core scanners have made a substantive contribution to palaeoenvironmental research.

In addition, coverage also examines practical aspects of core scanner usage, data optimisation, and data calibration and interpretation.

The book includes specific application papers reporting on the use of XRF core scanners in a variety of marine, lacustrine, and pollution studies. Readers will find a diverse range of research by leading experts that have used micro-XRF core scanners in a wide range of scientific applications. It contains a broad ranging view of instrument capability and points to future developments that will help contribute to higher precision elemental data and faster core analysis. This volume presents papers on the use of micro-XRF core scanners in palaeoenvironmental research.